CHESS G1 support for Nika


This page summarizes three extensions I wrote for Nika by Jan Ilavsky: a package for reading in metadata associated with images taken at CHESS (primarily the G1 Materials Science/Bio SAXS beamline, but also other lines), a package that exports Nika data as 2D image files for quick viewing without opening Igor, and a package for dealing with sample-detector distance and other reduction parameters that vary across a series of measurements.


These tools extend the functionality of two major pieces of software, Igor and Nika. They are required to use the extensions.

  • Igor Pro by Wavemetrics. Not free, but an incredibly useful data analysis and plotting package. Versions for Mac and Windows, sub-$100 for student personal purchases.
  • Irena by Jan Ilavsky at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Lab. Free software, but requires you to cite the associated publication when publishing Nika results.
  • Direct link to installer.
Please note, that the code for reading CHESS metadata is at the moment a bit unstable. CHESS does not have a standardized format of the metadata, and beyond that things change frequently with detector configuration, software upgrades, etc. I try to keep this code both updated and backwards compatible, but I make no guarantees as to performance or stability. Do not use this code blindly!


These extensions are released free of charge for noncommercial, academic use. If it is beneficial to your work, attribution is appreciated. If not, feedback is more appreciated!

The current release of these support extensions is 0.30. Download links below - manual and release notes coming soon.